PSGCNJ Job-Search Tip #24 video

By Kenneth Hitchner PSGCNJ_LOGO

When you are interviewing for a job, you must be able to think on your feet. And that means anticipation, preparation and practice.

The Professional Service Group of Central New Jersey (PSGCNJ) wants to do its part by sharing its expertise with other professional job seekers.

For every day this month, PSGCNJ will help themselves by helping others first. Today’s job-search tip focuses on the value of improvisation. (PSGCNJ teaches a breakthrough class on “Improv for Business Communication.)

PSGCNJ, the nation’s first employment community, puts downsized professional back into the workforce through innovative education and workforce development programs. We are also a nonprofit that is pursuing tax-exempt, 501(c)(3) status.

If you believe talented, educated and experienced professionals should work, please invest in our special community. For more information, please visit

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